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How One-Way Video Interviews Can Reduce Your Time to Hire


Do you dread the thought of endless interview scheduling?

There’s a better way to manage your time and still connect with top talent.

One-way video interviews can cut your time-to-hire in half, while giving candidates the freedom to shine at their best. (The average time-to-hire stands at 44 days, by the way)

Given that 40% of candidates expect an interview within 6 days of applying, one-way video interviews are the perfect solution to meet this expectation.

What is a one-way video interview? 

A one-way video interview, also known as an asynchronous video interview or on-demand video interviewing, is a virtual interviewing method where candidates video record their responses to pre-set questions at their convenience. 

Unlike traditional interviews that require live interaction by being physically present, one-way video interviews allow candidates to answer questions on their own time, and hiring managers to review these responses at their convenience.

These interviews are typically conducted using a video interviewing platform, not just any video recording app or tool.

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Benefits of using one-way video interviews to reduce time-to-hire

Traditional interview processes can be lengthy and cumbersome, often leading to missed opportunities. This is one of the biggest challenges in recruitment.

Asynchronous video interviews offer a smarter solution, simplifying the screening and hiring process, and significantly reducing the time-to-hire. 

Here are 6 ways one-way video interviews can be THE secret weapon in your recruitment strategy and help you connect with the best candidates faster.

A blue banner from Zappyhire titled "One-way Video Interviews for a Low Time-to-Hire." The banner highlights the benefits of using one-way video interviews through a step-by-step process represented by a dotted line and numbered yellow circles:

Flexibility without the fuss of scheduling conflicts.
Fast-tracked candidate evaluations.
Equal footing for all candidates.
Quick consensus on candidates.
Rapid progress on interview stages.
Automated insights for better decisions.
Each benefit is explained briefly, emphasizing how one-way video interviews streamline and enhance the hiring process.

1. Flexibility without the fuss of scheduling conflicts

Traditional interviews require coordinating multiple schedules, which can be a logistical nightmare. 

With on-demand video interviews, candidates can record their responses at their convenience, and hiring managers can review them when it suits their schedules. 

It also allows for asynchronous collaboration among hiring team members who may be in different time zones altogether.

This flexibility drastically cuts down on the back-and-forth communication and delays caused by live interactions in the pre-screening stage.

2. Fast-track your candidate evaluations

One-way video interviews allow you to screen a larger pool of candidates in a shorter amount of time

Instead of spending hours on initial phone screens, you can quickly assess candidates’ qualifications and communication skills through their video responses. 

This efficient screening process enables you to quickly identify top candidates and move them to the next stage of the hiring process.

3. Equal footing for all candidates

With on-demand video interviews, all candidates are asked the same set of questions, ensuring a consistent evaluation process. 

This consistency helps in making quicker, more objective comparisons between candidates

Hiring managers can easily revisit responses, which aids in making more informed and quick decisions.

4. Quick consensus on candidates

Since asynchronous video interviews can be reviewed by multiple team members simultaneously, this speeds up the decision-making process. 

Instead of waiting for feedback from various interviewers at different times, all stakeholders can access and evaluate the candidate responses concurrently

This collective review process facilitates faster consensus on which candidates should advance to the next stage.

5. Quick progress on interview stages

One-way video interviews enable recruiters to rapidly screen and evaluate candidates based on their recorded responses and AI-powered insights, swiftly moving qualified candidates to the next stage. 

This approach reduces the time-to-hire by allowing recruiters to quickly identify and advance top talent without the delays often associated with scheduling live interviews.

6. Automated insights for quicker decisions

One-way video interviews often come with tools that automatically transcribe and analyze candidate responses. 

These tools can highlight key skills, experiences, domain knowledge, and even soft skills like communication ability and enthusiasm. 

With AI-driven insights at hand, hiring managers can quickly filter through candidates, focusing only on those who meet the criteria, thus speeding up the hiring process.

Using ZappyVue’s One-Way Video Interviewing Software

A blue banner from Zappyhire with the title "Easy Peasy Screening with ZappyVue" prominently displayed. The banner illustrates a step-by-step process of using ZappyVue for video interviews with five steps represented by icons:

Set Up Questions (icon of a group of people with question marks).
Invite Candidates (icon of an envelope).
Record Responses (icon of a chat bubble with a question mark).
Review Responses (icon of a document with a magnifying glass).
Share Feedback and Make Hiring Decisions (icon of a thumbs-up symbol).
Each step is connected by a white line, highlighting the streamlined process.

Simplify screening, impress your candidates, and secure top talent faster than ever before with ZappyVue!

ZappyVue accurately predicts candidate language proficiency with an incredible 98% accuracy, helping you find the right fit quickly and confidently

Plus, by cutting down the time it takes to screen candidates, ZappyVue reduces your overall time-to-hire by 70%

How ZappyVue Works

1️⃣ Setting up questions – The hiring team either creates a set of interview questions or chooses from a template within ZappyVue. 

2️⃣ Candidate invitation – Candidates receive an invitation to participate in the one-way video interview. This invitation typically includes instructions on how to access the platform and complete the interview.

3️⃣ Recording responses – Candidates log into ZappyVue and record their responses to the questions. They can usually take the interview at any time before a specified deadline, providing flexibility.

4️⃣ Reviewing responses – Once the candidate has completed the interview, the recruiters and hiring managers can access the recorded responses as well as check their scores through an automated scoring system. 

5️⃣ Feedback and decision-making – The hiring team can provide feedback within the platform itself, share notes and ratings, and make decisions based on the recorded interviews and the resulting reports. 

Ready for supersonic screening?

One-way video interviews, powered by ZappyVue, are your secret weapon for a flexible, candidate-friendly process that not only saves time but also leaves a lasting impression on your potential hires. 

So go forth and secure top talent with ease. Because let’s face it, in the fast-paced world of hiring, who has time for anything less?

Varshini R

Varshini Ravi, a Content Marketer at Zappyhire, has a knack for blending deep HR tech knowledge with a sprinkle of wit while keeping it real & relatable for HR professionals. When she's not working, she prefers to get lost in a good fiction book, exploring new marketing tools or sharpening her creative writing skills.

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