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The Automation Edge in BFSI & NBFC Hiring Strategies


 Hiring in finance and banking is tough (to say the least). 

There’s a talent shortage, high turnover rates, and time-consuming recruitment processes that frustrate both you and your candidates. 

But there’s a better way forward. 

This latest whitepaper explains the power of recruitment automation and how it can transform your recruitment and hiring strategies. 

If you’re looking to hire faster, smarter, and more efficiently, this is a must-read. 

And now, let’s take a look at the top insights that are detailed in the whitepaper.

The ongoing talent crisis in BFSI and NBFC sectors

The banking, financial services & insurance (BFSI) and non-banking financial companies (NBFC) are in the thick of a talent crisis. 

68% of employers report moderate to extreme skills shortages, and it’s hurting productivity. 

And with turnover rates skyrocketing and critical skills in short supply, finding the right talent feels close to impossible. 

We’re not just talking about hiring challenges. CEOs are delaying key initiatives, and the competition for top talent is fiercer than ever. 

Millennials’ unmet expectations also play a huge role in the talent crisis. 

So what’s the solution? 

While they’re not the magical end all, be all to solve the current crises, this whitepaper lists quite a few ways by which recruitment automation tools can alleviate the talent woes.

⭐ Want smart solutions to recruitment woes? Read this whitepaper!
Breakdown of Millennials' career expectations in financial services.

The current processes are holding you back

Let’s face it – traditional recruitment methods are stuck in the past. Long, manual, and overly complex systems are driving candidates away faster than ever.

The data is clear on how poor communication and slow hiring timelines are a recipe for disaster. 

40% of candidates expect an interview within six days of applying, yet 67% are left waiting for over a month. You can almost hear them running toward your competitors.

If that stings, don’t worry – we’ve got good news.

Read the whitepaper to understand how different aspects of recruitment automation boosts communication and shortens hiring time, saving your brand – and your candidates – from frustration overload.

📈 Check out this whitepaper to escape the tedious monotony of traditional hiring practices!

The dire need for diversity, equity, and inclusion in recruitment

Let’s cut to the chase – diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is widely talked about nowadays, yet, the financial services sector is still falling short, especially at the leadership level. 

It’s a glaring issue. Women make up less than a third of executive roles in banks, and minority groups are sorely underrepresented. 

Want more shocking numbers? In some areas, the proportion of people of color in leadership drops by 75% from entry-level to C-suite!

Millennials and Gen Z care about DEI more than ever, and nearly 72% say they would leave their job if diversity standards aren’t met. 

This whitepaper digs deep into how recruitment strategies can be reimagined to promote a more inclusive and equitable hiring process.

Breakdown of gender and ethic disparities in banks versus US population.

Success stories you can’t ignore

Check out this powerful success story of how Zappyhire’s AI-powered recruitment automation platform transformed recruitment for a major bank in India

Leading Commercial Bank in India

When one of the largest commercial banks in India decided to revamp their recruitment strategy, they knew it had to be a seamless transition. Here’s what they achieved with Zappyhire.

  • 1,100+ candidates hired with Zappyhire’s recruitment automation.
  • 75% reduction in recruitment costs.
  • 72% improvement in the quality of hires.
  • 65% reduction in time-to-fill positions.
  • The bank achieved a 60% boost in operational efficiency, making their recruitment smarter while preserving traditional competency models.
🔎 For more case studies on recruitment automation in banking, check out the whitepaper!

What you’ll get from the whitepaper

  • Nuanced insights into the biggest challenges in BFSI and NBFC recruitment
  • How recruitment automation can tackle talent shortages
  • Steps to improve communication and reduce candidate drop-offs
  • Proven strategies to boost DEI in hiring
  • Success stories from leading financial institutions

Varshini R

Varshini Ravi, a Content Marketer at Zappyhire, has a knack for blending deep HR tech knowledge with a sprinkle of wit while keeping it real & relatable for HR professionals. When she's not working, she prefers to get lost in a good fiction book, exploring new marketing tools or sharpening her creative writing skills.

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