Welcome to the third season of Zappychats, an exclusive HR video podcast where HR leaders talk about all things recruitment, HRtech, and more. Check the published videos on Zappyhire LinkedIn and subscribe to our blog.
Watch the latest episode with Ranjith TP (Head of Recruitment – Volvo Group, India), moderated by Renjith KK (Talent Excellence Coach & OD Consultant).
He talks about the future of talent acquisition and including,
- The importance of candidate experience in recruitment
- Key challenges faced by organizations to attract talent
- Social recruiting – opportunities and risks
- Data-driven recruitment & analytics in talent acquisition
- The real impact of AI/VR on talent acquisition
- Latest trends in hiring and skill for recruiters & more.
Also, listen to his recommendations for the young HR professionals who aspire to make a career in talent acquisition.
Watch the snippet of the episode below or read the transcript.
In this snippet, Ranjith TP talks about What is the Impact of Candidate experience in Talent Acquisition and Employer Branding?
Renjith: You have spoken about the organization’s benefits of using these AI or the automation, or even on the Chatbots and things like that. What could be the benefit for the candidate while using such a tool by organizations? How could these impact the candidate experience and ensure that the employer branding is taken care of appropriately?
Ranjith TP: That is a very good area, which I think an organization can implement these tools because the primary beneficiary of this, or the person who is going to benefit maximum through these tools is of course organization has a lot of benefits, but that is candidates would get.
So, these tools can never be biased unless you program them accordingly. Right? So candidates can be very confident that there is no bias by these tools. They don’t look at whether you are a male or a female, or you’re a person with a 60-year-old or 16-year-old. So, that bias can be completely avoided. We take care of that in a nice way because artificial intelligence also has another habit of picking up human habits. For example, a hiring manager continues to recruit for a particular kind of skill from a particular region. AI also picked up habits that also will understand that.
For example, if Renjith recruits only from X location, then artificial intelligence will start behaving that way. So it’s subjective also, but then we need to be careful about that and we need to program it accordingly. So that one part is that secondly, that you get continuous feedback as a candidate, it can be programmed that artificial intelligence tool is person independent, and it can interact with you at any point of time.
You don’t have to wait for somebody to come online from nine to five. So it is, full-time now 24/7. You can apply, you can get feedback, and you can get interviewed. So there is no waiting period. I think the entire process of hiring can be completed in 24 hours if everything is given to artificial intelligence. But that is the best part of that. And then, thirdly artificial intelligence tools can give you that kind of a nice experience of hiring. Because many times it happens that that is delayed, there is no feedback, so many things which we feel that candidates would not be as if we applied for a job. We also, at some point in time, we also have applied for some jobs in our carrier. We also know how it is, when it is person dependent.
So delay from the people or flood processes or the processes not followed properly and then biases or untrained recruiter and the interviews. So many things can be avoided by a tool and gamification and artificial intelligence can change all that. I think candidates will benefit hugely from this.
Watch the full episode of Zappychats with Ranjith TP. If you are a young recruiter, HR professional, or HR leader, this is a must-watch for you. Watch until the end for some useful tips!
Zappychats is an initiative by Zappyhire!
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