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How to Build a Seamless Automated Video Interview Funnel


Think the implications of a slow interview process are just limited to extended hiring timelines?

Wrong! The issue is way more serious. It increases the chances of losing top talent by 29% – every organization’s nightmare!

The solution? Ensuring a seamless interview process, not just in your candidate’s interest but in yours too!

This ideal outcome can be achieved by adopting automated video interviewing software, which streamlines the interview funnel, decreases manual effort, and expedites decision-making processes.

In this way, hiring teams can achieve the dream – a quick and seamless process from initial candidate screening to final shortlisting, ensuring top talent doesn’t slip through your fingers!

Ready to find out how? Stick around!

Benefits of building an optimized video interview funnel

Benefits of using an automated video interviewing software

When we refer to an optimized video interview funnel, we are talking about a structured and refined candidate screening process that ensures only the best candidates make the cut and progress to the next stage.

Think of it as a sieve, helping recruiting teams weed out candidates who may not necessarily be the right fit for the role in consideration.

Having such a funnel in place comes with certain benefits, such as:

1. Reduces screening time

When pre-recorded video interviews are implemented, unnecessary steps are eliminated from the candidate screening process.

This makes it simple, effective, straightforward, and thereby time-efficient.  

Plus, these software expedite the process through automation, prevent scheduling conflicts, offer exceptional flexibility, and provide critical insights that speed up decision-making.

🔖 Related Post: How One-Way Video Interviews Can Reduce Your Time to Hire

2. Helps implement structured interviews

One of the prerequisites to building an optimized video interview funnel is having structure, uniformity, and consistency across all interviews. 

This is achieved by incorporating structured interviews with a standardized and  predetermined layout.

Additionally, structured interviews help decrease the scope for hiring bias by ensuring all interviewees are subjected to the same set of questions and evaluation criteria.

🔖 Related Post: How One-Way Video Interviews Prevent Bias in Hiring

3. Filters candidates efficiently

The end goal of a streamlined video interview funnel is to have a final set of the most qualified candidates emerge at the end of the candidate screening process. 

One-way video interviews automate this stage to ensure only the most deserving candidates pass the screening round. 

This saves you recruiters a ton of time to focus on other important tasks, while also decreasing the chances of biased hiring.

4. Improves candidate experience

On-demand video interviews facilitate a quick hiring process, combined with a fair and uniform approach to interviewing, and offer great flexibility (by removing the need for candidates and interviewers to be available simultaneously).

All of this combined, helps the organization offer an exceptional candidate experience.

🔖 Download the eBook: A Guide To Exceptional Candidate Experience

5. Boosts recruiter experience

Having a refined video interview funnel, aided by asynchronous video interviews, allows organizations to enhance the recruiter’s overall experience.

The automation they offer expedites the process, especially when the organization needs to hire at scale – imagine doing it all manually?! 

This automation gives you more time to focus on tasks that truly require the human touch, helping to reduce workload and prevent employee burnout.

6. Aids in high-volume hiring

Imagine spending 45-90 minutes per interviewee when hiring at scale. Sounds impossible, right? 

Without a proper video interview funnel in place, this would be a never-ending process!

When one-way video interviews are adopted, time is managed efficiently and uniformity is implemented throughout the interview process.

This makes the process of  high-volume hiring  a lot easier to manage for your hiring team.

7. Decreases hiring costs

The longer the recruitment cycle, the higher the costs incurred by your organization – this is a given.

When the video interview funnel is improved, the candidate screening time decreases, thereby reducing the overall time-to-hire, helping organizations save significantly on resources.

How to build a seamless video interview funnel – from screening to shortlisting with ZappyVue

How to build a seamless video interview funnel

We’ve now established that building a seamless and optimized interview funnel is crucial for securing top talent.

It is therefore time to explore how to create one using ZappyVue, the leading automated video interviewing software!

It’s incredibly simple! In just FOUR EASY STEPS, you and your team can build a flawless video interview funnel to ensure the best candidates are spotted easily.

STEP 1: Setting up the interview

After the initial pre-screening stages, eligible and deserving candidates are moved to the interview stage. 

With software like ZappyVue, you can effortlessly set up personalized interviews (including technical interviews), determine the questions and the evaluation parameters.

The process is quite straightforward:

  • Sign up to ZappyVue – Easily get started with ZappyVue’s user-friendly platform.

  • Configure interview settings – Add basic interview details, invite collaborators to enhance hiring collaboration, configure proctoring settings, customize emails with ZappyVue’s customizable email templates feature, and more!

  • Set up the questions – You can personalize questions specific to the role in question.

    Whether you prefer to create your own questions, use ZappyVue’s question library, or use AI- generated questions, the choice is yours and the system is flexible to accommodate the same.

    Additionally, time limits to answer each question and evaluation criteria can also be set for each question, as per your team’s preference.
Setting up the interview with ZappyVue

STEP 2: Inviting the candidates

Once the interview is set, you can invite the shortlisted candidates to participate and prove their mettle! 

You can send email invitations with comprehensive instructions and an interview link, giving them the freedom to complete the interview at their convenience. 

This flexibility that ZappyVue offers, eliminates the need for endless back-and-forth to schedule a single interview.

With ZappyVue’s automated video interviews, convenience is prioritized for both the candidate and  you!

STEP 3: Candidates record and submit their answers

Once you send the interview invitation to the candidate, they simply just need to follow the provided link and read the instructions given carefully.

Following the completion of the above steps, they can begin recording their interview on the device of their choice.

The ZappyVue system seamlessly guides candidates through the process, minimizing the need for your hiring team’s involvement at this stage.

Once candidates have completed recording all their responses within the stipulated time limits, they submit their interviews, sit back, relax, and hope for the best!

STEP 4: ZappyVue auto-scores, ranks, and shortlists the best candidates

ZappyVue auto-scores, ranks, and shortlists the best candidates

Once candidates send in their responses, ZappyVue then gets to work by efficiently assessing their recordings. 

The system automatically scores candidates’ responses based on the predefined criteria set by your team and your requirements, and then ranks them accordingly.

The candidate evaluation process is further aided by two impressive offerings by ZappyVue:

  • Advanced knowledge analysis – Accurately filters and assesses candidates based on their skills and knowledge.
  • Advanced language proficiency analysis – Predicts a candidate’s language proficiency with up to 98% accuracy.

Once the candidates are auto-scored and ranked, the best among them are then shortlisted, ready for the next stage in the hiring cycle.

You can then access the candidates’ recordings, along with detailed, final  reports and analyses prepared by ZappyVue’s intelligent system. 

This facilitates collaborative decision-making on how to proceed with the shortlisted candidates.

Therefore, as we saw above, in four simple steps you and your team can build a seamless interview funnel with ZappyVue.

This enables you to optimize your candidate screening process, bringing you one step closer to your dream candidate!

In essence…

We can’t stress enough on the importance of having a streamlined video interview funnel in place, given the numerous associated benefits it brings.

These benefits range from decreased hiring timelines to improved candidate experience.

We can vouch for it – building an optimized video interview funnel with ZappyVue will help you zero in on the right talent quickly and with ease, especially in today’s competitive job market.

So don’t wait any longer! Sign up to ZappyVue and get cracking!

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