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How Important Is Customer Service to a Business?


Customer service is the act of providing assistance and guidance to your customers before, during, and after they purchase your product or service. It can include answering questions, resolving issues, providing feedback, and offering suggestions. Customer service is not just a nice-to-have feature for your business. It’s a must-have strategy that can make or break your success. 

According to Gartner research, 74% of customers expect more from brands, not only in their products and services but also in how they treat their customers. Additionally, 83% of consumers say they will not do business with brands they don’t trust.

Why Customer Service Matters

How to deliver best customer support

Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty – Making your customers happy is key! When they’re satisfied, they’re more likely to come back for more, tell their friends about you, and leave glowing reviews. In fact, 74% of customers say good customer service is what makes them loyal to a brand (thanks for the info, Zendesk!).

Reduce customer churn and increase retention – Keeping your customers around is crucial. If they start leaving you for someone else (aka customer churn), it can cost you big time in both money and reputation. But here’s some good news: increasing customer retention by just 5% can boost your profits by 25% to 95% (shoutout to Bain & Company for that stat!).

Boost your brand image and reputation – Customer service is a reflection of your brand values and personality. It can help you stand out from your competitors and create a positive impression on your potential customers. Plus, 86% of customers are willing to pay more for a product or service if they know they’ll get excellent customer service (American Express knows what’s up).

Generate more referrals and word-of-mouth marketing Word-of-mouth marketing is powerful stuff. Good customer service can turn your customers into advocates for your brand. They can spread the word about your product or service to their friends, family, and social media followers. And get this: 83% of consumers trust recommendations from people they know (Nielsen’s got the facts).

Enhance customer trust and confidence – Customers who receive good customer service feel valued and respected, and they are more likely to trust your brand and your products. And trust is a big deal: 73% of customers say it’s a key factor in their buying decisions (PwC’s got the scoop).

Increase customer lifetime value and revenue – Customer lifetime value is the total amount of money a customer spends on your business over time. It can be increased by providing good customer service that encourages repeat purchases, upsells, and cross-sells. Trust us, it will add up.

Improve your online presence and visibility – Customer service can help you build a strong online presence and visibility. It can help you attract more traffic to your website, social media pages, and online reviews. So don’t underestimate the power of treating your customers right!

How Zappyhire Delivers Exceptional Customer Service

Zappyhire is a leading talent acquisition platform that helps companies hire faster, smarter, and better. We offer a suite of features such as AI-powered resume screening, robotic video interviewing, conversational chatbotsautomated assessment reports, and personalized candidate engagement.

Zappyhire is also known for outstanding customer service. We have earned the “Best Support” G2 badge four times in a row by providing fast, friendly, and helpful support to clients. Here are some of the ways Zappyhire delivers exceptional customer service:

  • Zappyhire has a dedicated support team that is available 24/7 via email, phone, chat, and video call. We respond to queries within minutes and resolve issues within hours.
  • Zappyhire provides personalized and proactive support to our clients. We understand their recruitment needs and goals and offer tailored solutions and suggestions. We also follow up regularly and check in on their progress and satisfaction.
  • Zappyhire collects feedback from our clients and acts on it. We use surveys, reviews, testimonials, and ratings to measure our performance and identify areas for improvement. We also implement new features and enhancements based on our client’s requests and suggestions.

When asked about the consistent recognition they have been getting for their exceptional customer service, Jyothis KS, co-founder of Zappyhire stated,

 “At Zappyhire, we believe that exceptional customer service is not just a function – it’s an integral component of our culture. We see our clients as valued partners and strive to exceed their expectations at every juncture. Our team’s commitment to delivering the highest level of service is unwavering, and we’re dedicated to going above and beyond to ensure our clients’ success.”

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Customer Service is King

As you can see, customer service is more than just a nice thing to do. It’s a vital part of your business’s success and growth. By providing excellent customer service, you can make your customers happy, loyal, and satisfied. You can also boost your brand reputation, employee engagement, and profitability. Customer service is not an option but a necessity for any business that wants to stand out from the crowd and be the easiest to do business with. So, what are you waiting for? Start improving your customer service today and see the difference it makes!

If you’re looking for a talent acquisition platform that offers not only powerful features but also superb customer service, look no further than Zappyhire.

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