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Enhance Candidate Experience with Pre-Recorded Interviews


72% of candidates say that the smoothness of an interview process directly impacts their decision to reject or accept a particular job offer.

Considering that, do you think you can bank on your current interview processes to help you win over the candidates you’ve got your eye on?

Understand this – if you wish to prioritize a candidate’s interview experience, but haven’t yet invested in pre-recorded video interviewing platforms, you might want to really reconsider!

With the cut-throat competition in the market for top talent, it may be beneficial to understand that candidates expect a super quick and personalized interview experience. 

And unfortunately, if you fall short in that department, they won’t hesitate to ghost you and waltz into your competition’s hands!

So we suggest you get set to explore how pre-recorded video interviews, with their many benefits, are KEY to improving candidate experience.

Let’s go over these benefits in the following section.

Benefits of using pre-recorded video interview

ZappyVue automated video interviewing platform

86% of employers are using automated video interviews. Evidently, this group has recognized the incredible benefits these interviewing tools bring. 

Offering a wide range of advantages, right from improving candidate experience to decreasing recruitment costs, on-demand video interviews are transforming candidate screening for the better. 

Here are some of its significant benefits:

1. Improves candidate experience

One-way video interviews help improve candidate experience significantly by addressing key issues in the screening process, such as extended screening timelines, scheduling conflicts, and hiring bias, among others. 

By expediting the interview process, eliminating scheduling conflicts, ensuring consistency, and offering a simple and user-friendly interview process,  they help create a positive experience for candidates.

2. Expedite the candidate screening process

These video interviewing software offer unparalleled flexibility to candidates and recruiters alike and accelerate candidate evaluations.

They thereby help stakeholders to quickly navigate the screening process, reducing the time candidates have to wait to hear back from the hiring team.

3. Prevent scheduling conflicts

The endless coordination among all members of the hiring team and the candidate is an arduous task that slows down the entire screening process.

In the case of on-demand interviews, the need to interact in actual time is completely eradicated, ensuring that there is no requirement to deal with the hassles of interview scheduling.

In fact, even candidates recognize this advantage as 62% prefer an automated system that manages the interview process efficiently over lengthy back-and-forth communication.

💡 Check out our blog for more information – Prevent Scheduling Conflicts With On-Demand Video Interviews

4. Offers flexibility to both candidates & recruiters

As mentioned previously, one of the greatest advantages of pre-recorded video interviewing platforms that give it the winning edge over traditional interviews, is the incredible amount of flexibility it extends to users. 

Video interviewing platforms respect both the hiring team’s and candidates’ time by allowing candidates to film their responses to the pre-set questions and enabling hiring teams to assess these recordings at a suitable time.

5. Improves employer brand

Offering advanced yet convenient candidate screening processes through one-way video interviews that prioritizes candidate satisfaction, ensures a seamless and pleasant process for them.

This helps improve the organization’s employer brand, setting it apart as an employer of choice owing to its commitment to candidate satisfaction

Remember, today’s candidates could be tomorrow’s customers who may advocate for your brand if they have a positive interview experience with you.

6. Decreased costs 

Prolonged candidate screening processes consume more resources and increase recruitment costs. 

On-demand video interviews help decrease the candidate screening time and therefore the overall time-to-hire, eliminating extended vacancies and reducing costs associated with setting up live/in-person interviews.

7. Boosts team collaboration

When there are too many stakeholders involved for different aspects of the interview’s implementation, there is a LOT that could go wrong.

Right from not being on the same page, to miscommunication, team collaboration can take a major hit when the process goes virtual. 

But not with automated video interviews that provide a centralized platform that helps facilitate hiccup-free hiring collaboration, ensuring the right candidate is shortlisted in record time!

8. Expand candidate pool

Investing in asynchronous video interviews gives organizations access to a wider and diverse candidate pool, enabling them to tap into talent they might otherwise miss out on, as it bridges geographical gaps.  

This boosts DEI initiatives, fosters an inclusive workforce, and brings fresh perspectives to the organization.

Achieve a stellar candidate experience with ZappyVue’s pre-recorded video interviewing platform

Conduct seamless interviews with ZappyVue's on-demand video interviews

ZappyVue’s automated video interview platform, with its advanced capabilities, helps hiring teams deliver a stellar candidate experience. 

It ticks off all the boxes when it comes to catering to a candidate’s expectations, providing them with a top-notch experience.

This ultimately helps you assess candidates quickly and accurately, secure top talent by ensuring A+ level candidate experience, and ultimately boost employer branding.

Here’s a breakdown of how ZappyVue accomplishes this:

Overview of how ZappyVue improves candidate experience

1. Eliminates lengthy interviews that lead to negative candidate experiences

Nearly one-third of candidates say a slow interview process makes them believe the employer doesn’t care about their candidates and has an insufficient hiring team.

That certainly isn’t a brand reputation you want to deal with!

ZappyVue can reduce your overall time-to-hire by a whopping 70%, by significantly speeding up the candidate screening process.

For starters, the issue of scheduling conflicts are resolved instantly as interviews aren’t required to happen in real-time.

Furthermore, ZappyVue’s intelligent system auto-scores and ranks candidates, helping recruiters make accurate decisions faster. 

It’s simple and straightforward interface prevents any scope for confusion, reducing associated delays. 

Additionally, ZappyVue boosts team collaboration, preventing delays from misalignment or miscommunication among hiring team members. 

In this way, our cutting-edge automated video interviewing software ensures the candidate screening process is quick and seamless, boosting candidate satisfaction.

2. Allows candidates to attend interviews on the go

Providing a positive candidate experience means putting candidates at the center of your operations, prioritizing their needs and satisfaction. 

ZappyVue comes in at a crucial touchpoint between candidates and the hiring team during the screening phase, ensuring it caters to the candidate’s convenience.

Candidates can answer predefined questions at any convenient time, without worrying about missing opportunities or rescheduling due to prior commitments. 

And as a bonus – the lack of direct interaction with interviewers also helps ease candidates’ nerves.

3. Ensures transparency and fairness by decreasing biases through structured interviews

Structured interviews standardize the method of interviewing candidates for a particular job role, ensuring every candidate is evaluated fairly and consistently. 

ZappyVue helps hiring teams implement a uniform and unbiased screening process by allowing recruiters to assess candidates based on standardized question sets

The automatic scoring and ranking capabilities of ZappyVue help recruiters make accurate and objective decisions, eliminating bias due to uniformity in assessment. 

By reducing human involvement and providing data-driven insights through advanced capabilities like knowledge analysis and language proficiency analysis, ZappyVue ensures objective and accurate evaluations.

💡 Check out our blog for more information – How to Conduct a Structured Interview

4. Boosts efficiency and engagement

ZappyVue streamlines the entire candidate screening process, ensuring there are no bottlenecks that drain time, such as scheduling conflicts or misalignment among team members

It provides a centralized platform that boosts collaborative hiring and ensures structured interviews. This creates an efficient, orderly process that keeps things running smoothly. 

Plus, with a mobile-first design, ZappyVue helps keep candidates engaged by allowing them to participate in interviews conveniently from their preferred devices.

5. Offers a user-friendly interface

Another highlight of ZappyVue is its unrivaled user-friendliness.

The platform is straightforward and self-explanatory and candidates don’t need any special knowledge or prior experience to use it. 

It’s simple – candidates receive email invitations with comprehensive instructions, record their responses, and submit them. The rest is taken care of by ZappyVue and the hiring team! Peak convenience!

6. Provides candidates with multilingual support in over 50 languages

Get this – candidates flock towards where diversity, equity and inclusion are taken seriously! 

It is an important aspect of the overall candidate experience that they expect to be met with.

If you have candidates who belong to a different part of the world and speak a different language, no worries at all! 

ZappyVue has the ability to support over 50 languages, which contributes towards a more inclusive experience!

Take our word for it…

Enhanced candidate experience using pre-recoded video interviews

76% of candidates saying that a positive candidate experience influenced their decision to accept an offer.

Given the above figure, do you really want to risk losing out on the cream of the crop owing to subpar candidate experiences? Especially when there’s a solution??

No, right? We thought as much.

Your next steps are pretty obvious! Sign up to ZappyVue, of course, to deliver that extraordinary candidate experience your candidates deserve!

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Aparna Hari

Aparna Hari, a Content Marketer at Zappyhire, crafts content on HR tech, recruitment automation, and everything in between. With a background in English literature, theatre studies, and psychology, she brings a diverse perspective to her writing. Outside of work, she finds joy in a good book and exploring her love for cinema.

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