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8 Best Talent Acquisition Software for HR Professionals


HR pros, are you at crossroads as you zero in on the right talent acquisition software for your organization?

The talent acquisition and staffing technology market is estimated to be valued at US$ 159.08 billion. By 2034, it is projected to reach US$ 290.31 billion, growing at a CAGR of 6.2%.

This growth signals an expanding market with more players joining in, saturating the market even more!

With countless talent acquisition software at your disposal, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research to identify the right software for your organization’s unique needs.

This blog will aid you in this endeavor, exploring the top 8 talent acquisition software for organizations of all sizes, making your hunt for the perfect platform a breeze.

Let’s break it down!

What is a talent acquisition software?

Talent acquisition software is a comprehensive suite of tools developed to automate various aspects of an organization’s recruitment operations, thereby ensuring its efficiency. 

It is used by talent acquisition specialists, recruiters, hiring managers, and hiring teams to optimize the way they find, engage, and hire candidates.

Different components of a talent acquisition software

As mentioned above, talent acquisition software is a suite of tools that, when put together, help manage end-to-end recruitment

Here’s a look at its components:

1. Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

An applicant tracking system is a software that is used to track and manage candidates all through the hiring process, thereby streamlining it.

2. Job posting and candidate sourcing

Talent acquisition software aids in candidate sourcing efforts by allowing hiring teams to easily reach a wide number of candidates through various channels such as – job boards, social media channels, employee referrals, etc.

3. Brand building

Talent acquisition suites help an organization build its employer brand – the reputation and image that an organization builds and carries as an employer.

4. Automated screening and assessments

These platforms offer automated screening and assessment features such as resume parsers and automated video interviews that help automate the screening stages in the recruitment cycle. 

By automating these crucial stages of the hiring cycle, they ensure a fair, bias-free, and streamlined process.

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5. Automated communication

These software facilitate automated communication through features such as recruitment chatbots and automated email responses.

6. Analytics and reporting

These solutions also provide detailed reports, insights, and analytics on recruitment KPIs such as time-to-fill, quality of hire, etc.

Benefits of using talent acquisition software

Unsure whether it’s worth investing in talent acquisition software? Many benefits come along, a few of which are as follows:

1. Improves candidate experience

A good talent acquisition software offers features that can help you give your candidates the experience they deserve.

By automating repetitive tasks (thereby providing recruiters additional time to engage better with candidates and speeding up the process) and facilitating prompt, personalized communication, these tools keep candidates updated and engaged, improving the overall candidate experience.

2. Facilitates collaborative hiring

Collaborative hiring is more challenging than it appears to be, requiring coordination among multiple stakeholders, managing schedules, and ensuring everyone is aligned on all aspects. 

These software simplify the talent acquisition process by providing features that promote seamless collaboration and communication on one platform, ensuring smarter hiring decisions.

3. Increases efficiency and time savings

Did you know that 36% of HR professionals say they lack adequate technology and are still engaged in manual repetitive tasks? 

This leads to extended hiring timelines, something organizations cannot afford to do nothing about.

Talent acquisition software saves the day by addressing this issue by automating tasks and increasing overall efficiency, thereby helping you reduce your time-to-hire.

4. Promotes data-driven decision making

Imagine having insights into patterns, trends, outcomes, and the implications of your recruitment strategies? How great would that be, right?

With a talent acquisition suite, you can access detailed reports and analytics that enable you make data-driven recruitment decisions, thereby improving your overall hiring operations.

Top 8 talent acquisition software for HR professionals

While you are on the hunt for the “right” talent acquisition software, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and compare the available options to determine which one best meets your organization’s unique requirements.

We’ve curated a list of the 8 best talent acquisition software for HR professionals to help you with your research! Let’s check them out.

  1. Zappyhire
  2. Yello
  3. SmartRecruiters
  4. Greenhouse
  5. JazzHR
  6. LeverTRM
  7. Workable
  8. Zoho Recruit

Bear in mind, this list has been compiled by comparing and reviewing information, ratings, and reviews across reputed platform listing sites such as G2, Capterra, Gartner, SelectSoftware, among others.

Note – The order of this list is random and does not indicate our personal views or preferences.


Zappyhire is a cutting-edge talent acquisition platform best suited for companies that have more than 200 employees. 

It includes – pre recorded video interviewing, online assessments,  a multilingual recruiting chatbot, reporting and analytics, and a lot more.

It also integrates seamlessly with popular HR tech stacks, offers end-to-end automation – from job requisition creation to pre-onboarding, all while ensuring a 10/10 experience for recruiters and candidates alike!

Zappyhire is easy to use and equipped with a comprehensive set of advanced features that transform the recruitment processes of medium-sized companies to enterprises.

Zappyhire Talent acquisition software
Pros👍East of use, intuitive UX/UI, dedicated customer support, modular and scalable, top-notch analytics and reports, 360-degree view of candidates offering 16+ data points.
Limited details on pricing, not ideal for companies with less than 100 employees.
On request
G2 rating⭐
Key features⚙️ Automated scoring, high accuracy in evaluating language proficiency, custom fields & configurability of the platform, advanced offer letter customization.
Top clients🏆 Maruti Suzuki,, Walkaroo, Federal Bank, PTC Industries, etc.
Ideal for🏢
Medium to large organizations


Next up, we have Yello, a talent acquisition platform specially designed to aid recruiters in implementing recruitment events such as campus recruitment and recruiting early talent.

Its centralized platform facilitates seamless collaboration among team members, provides candidates with a stellar experience, effortlessly schedules interviews, and integrates easily with HR tech stacks.

Yello talent acquisition software
Pros👍Excellent for recruitment events, strong data query capabilities.
Cons👎Not user friendly, UI/UX needs improvement.
Pricing💲On request
G2 rating⭐4.4/5
Key features⚙️Automated concierge sourcing, campus event planning, event ROI.
Top clients🏆Microsoft, Adobe, Kohl’s, etc.
Ideal for🏢Medium and large-sized companies


SmartRecruiters is an all-in-one hiring platform that combines the best aspects of consumer-level experiences with enterprise-level technology. 

With a user-friendly and flexible interface, SmartRecruiters helps users streamline their talent acquisition processes effortlessly. 

It offers a wide range of tools covering various functions of recruitment, including sourcing and onboarding.

SmartRecruiters Talent Acquisition software
Pros👍User-friendly recruiting platform, easy candidate sourcing and tracking.
Cons👎Difficulty in managing reporting and dashboards, lack of integration with other HRIS.
Pricing💲On request 
G2 rating⭐4.3/5
Key features⚙️ Post-to-hire reporting and analytics, manage quality, control, and budgeting across the job boards, availability of mobile app.
Top clients🏆LinkedIn, Skechers, Etsy, Toshiba, etc.
Ideal for🏢Medium and large-sized companies
See how Zappyhire compares🔎: Zappyhire vs. SmartRecruiters


Greenhouse is known for allowing hiring teams to custom-build hiring plans for every role, offering great flexibility and tailoring the process to suit the needs of each team member. 

It brings together robust solutions for effective hiring, empowering users to build the best teams and drive organizational success.

With over 500 integrations and scalable workflows, Greenhouse ensures that hiring is convenient and efficient.

Greenhouse talent acquisition software
Pros👍Robust analytics and reporting tools, easy interview scheduling.
Cons👎Scope for improvement in UI, limited details on pricing.
Pricing💲On request
G2 rating⭐4.4/5
Key features⚙️ Summaries of open jobs, scalable workflows, interview kits, greenhouse offer forecast.
Top clients🏆HubSpot, Lyft, Gong, etc.
Ideal for🏢Enterprises
See how Zappyhire compares🔎: Zappyhire vs. Greenhouse


JazzHR is a powerful software ideal for small businesses

This easy-to-use platform is specially designed for growing companies, helping them hire fast and hire right

Highly configurable, it assists hiring teams in eliminating manual tasks and offers a platform that facilitates seamless hiring collaboration and effortless interviews.

JazzHR talent acquisition software
Pros👍Easy to use, customization options, transparent pricing, availability of free trial.
Cons👎Limited reporting and analytics options, scope for improvement when it comes to integrations, basic features.
Pricing💲Pricing levels:

Hero: $75 per month

Plus: $269 per month

Pro: $420 per month
G2 rating⭐4.4/5
Key features⚙️ Advanced visual reporting, automate eSignature requests.
Top clients🏆WeVote, Clearly, Fox Dealer, etc.
Ideal for🏢Small businesses 


Lever TRM is a platform that combines the capabilities of an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool, ensuring top talent is hired effortlessly and in a scalable manner. 

With Lever, users can expect improved quality of hire, as well as boosts in efficiency, productivity, and quality in their hiring processes. 

It offers an intuitive platform that is easy to use, enhances candidate nurture and engagement, and ultimately improves hiring conversion rates.

Lever Talent acquisition software
Pros👍300+ integrations with third-party tools, ATS+CRM capabilities.
Cons👎Lacks Boolean search functionality, lacks custom reports.
Pricing💲On request
G2 rating⭐4.3/5
Key features⚙️ATS+CRM capabilities.
Top clients🏆Netflix, KPMG, Ritual, etc. 
Ideal for🏢Companies of all sizes
See how Zappyhire compares🔎: Zappyhire vs. Lever 


Workable is a talent acquisition software that helps you find and attract talent easily, speeding up hiring timelines while ensuring your organization secures top talent. 

Its candidate sourcing capabilities ensure that access to passive candidates is no longer a distant dream. 

Available on a mobile app, the product ensures that candidates are managed efficiently and evaluated fairly and consistently.

Users can also save time with intuitive interview scheduling tools that make the process hassle-free.

Workable talent acquisition software
Pros👍Easy-to-understand UI / UX, mobile recruiting collaboration, customizable pipelines, interview kits and scorecards, 70+ third-party integrations including background checks and assessments.
Cons👎Limited search functionality, poor customer support.
Pricing💲Pricing levels:

Starter:$189 per month

Standard: $313 per month

Premier: $628 per month
G2 rating⭐4.6/5
Key features⚙️ Employee referral program, branded career pages, quick and convenient self-scheduled interviews.
Top clients🏆Moodle, Dribble, Ryanair, etc. 
Ideal for🏢Enterprises
See how Zappyhire compares🔎: Zappyhire vs. Workable

Zoho Recruit

Zoho Recruit’s all-in-one talent acquisition platform offers the dual capabilities of an ATS and CRM

Complete with candidate sourcing, remote hiring tools, and customization options, among others,  this platform facilitates quality hiring. 

By automating the entire recruitment journey, Zoho Recruit provides candidates with an excellent experience

With Zoho Recruit, users can post across 75+ job boards with a single click and easily access reports and analytics to formulate and implement better hiring strategies.

Zoho recruit talent acquisition software
Pros👍Advanced customization capability, ATS + CRM capabilities.
Cons👎UI/UX needs improvement, poor customer support, steep learning curve.
Pricing💲Pricing levels:

Standard: $17 per month

Professional: $35 per month

Enterprise: $53 per month
G2 rating⭐4.4/5
Key features⚙️Blueprint system, which allows for detailed customization of workflows.
Top clients🏆PwC, Deloitte, Allianz, etc. 
Ideal for🏢HR teams, recruitment agencies
See how Zappyhire compares🔎: Zappyhire vs. Zoho Recruit

Top talent acquisition software comparison, rating & pricing

Software💻Pricing💲G2 Rating⭐ Key Features⚙️Ideal For🏢Free Trial🔧
ZappyhireUpon request4.4/5
Automated video interviewing, custom fields & configurability of the platform, advanced offer letter customization.
Medium and large-sized companiesOn request
YelloUpon request4.4/5Automated concierge sourcing, campus event planning, event ROI.
Medium and large-sized companies
SmartRecruitersUpon request4.3/5Post-to-hire reporting and analytics, manage quality, control, and budgeting across the job boards, availability of mobile app.
Medium and large-sized   companies

Upon request4.4/5Summaries of open jobs, scalable workflows, interview kits, greenhouse offer forecast.
JazzHRPricing levels:

Hero: $75 per month

Plus: $269 per month

Pro: $469 per month
4.4/5Advanced Visual Reporting, automate eSignature requests.
Small businesses 
LeverTRMUpon request4.3/5ATS+CRM capabilities.Companies of all sizes
WorkablePricing levels:

Starter:$189 per month

Standard: $313 per month

Premier: $628 per month
4.6/5Employee referral program, branded career pages, quick and convenient self-scheduled interviews.
Zoho RecruitPricing levels:

Standard: $17 per month

Professional: $35 per month

Enterprise: $53 per month
4.4/5Blueprint system, which allows for detailed customization of workflows, ATS+CRM capabilities.HR teams, recruitment agencies✔️

How to choose the right talent acquisition software?

How to choose the right talent acquisition software

Now that you have a breakdown of the best talent acquisition platforms, your brain is probably working overtime, trying to figure out how to filter and pick the right one for YOU!

When in doubt, just think CRUCIAL!

  • Consider ROI:

    These software are an investment and must show results. It is crucial to do your research and calculate your recruitment ROI before giving the platform the green flag.

  • Recognize must-have features and functionality:

    Recruitment challenges aren’t uniform across all organizations, and these unique challenges require unique solutions. 

    Accordingly, make a note of some must-have features and check if the platform offers features that address your specific needs.

  • User-friendly interface:

    Ensure that the software is easy to navigate and user-friendly. The simpler, the better, as it will save time and reduce the learning curve for your team.

  • Check out reviews:

    Reviews and testimonials from other users are the most important source of information about your potential talent acquisition software. 

    These are windows into a platform’s performance and provide insights you absolutely need to know!

  • Identify your organization’s hiring goals and challenges:

    Before starting your search, you must know what you’re looking for.

    This is only possible if you understand why you need it, which means having a thorough understanding of the problems your organization is facing when it comes to hiring.

  • Assess scalability:

    Your talent acquisition software must be able to grow with your hiring needs and your organization’s growth. 

    Ensure the platform can handle increased job postings, candidates, and data as your company expands.

  • Look for integrations:

    Platforms that offer a lot of integrations should rank higher on your list. 

    Integrations are important because they allow the software to work seamlessly with your existing tools and systems, improving efficiency and reducing the need for manual data entry.

So, what will it be?

You’ve got a tough choice to make, and we get it, it’s not easy – there are a LOT of factors to consider!

But since you’re already here, why don’t you explore more about  Zappyhire – one of the leading talent acquisition platforms in the market!

Book a demo today!!

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Aparna Hari

Aparna Hari, a Content Marketer at Zappyhire, crafts content on HR tech, recruitment automation, and everything in between. With a background in English literature, theatre studies, and psychology, she brings a diverse perspective to her writing. Outside of work, she finds joy in a good book and exploring her love for cinema.

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